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Behind the Meaning

The image of a calla lily brings both beauty and depth. Growing up, it was a flower present in various life transitions, from funerals to weddings. While sometimes wilted, the calla lily eventually stood out tall amongst my grandparents’ garden- a reminder that growth is always possible.

The calla lily has many meanings, depending on the color. A white calla lily represents purity. A red calla lily portrays courage, while pink symbolizes appreciation. Much like the calla lily, therapy can be a mixed bouquet of meanings. In our sessions, you may focus on a single color or meaning, or perhaps you may discover a combination of colors. 

Creating space for you

We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, it can be difficult to stop and reflect on ourselves. Calla Lily Counseling is a dedicated space to pause and reflect. A non-judgemental space. An open space. An intentional space. YOUR space. It is a space for change, a space for healing, a space to find meaning. Now is the time to invest in your mental health.